Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy
  • NEP Electronics commits to conducting business in an ethical manner where policies and decisions are made to exemplify fairness and integrity.
  • Each employee is expected and encouraged to treat one another with respect while fostering an environment devoid of discrimination and/or abusive, offensive, or harassing conduct.
  • NEP encourages effective communication which should be conducted with respect. All employees in supervisory roles must establish an atmosphere conducive to open and honest communication.
  • The company will conduct a comprehensive investigation of any reported manner pertaining to questionable or unethical behavior. Appropriate action will be taken in any cases where there is a valid finding of wrongful conduct.
  • NEP Electronics will comply with all applicable local, state, federal, and foreign laws as our commitment to integrity. Accordingly, any employee with doubts about whether potential action complies with applicable law or company policy should obtain advice from a relevant expert.
  • NEP’s support of products and services will only be based on factors deemed fair and reasonable in the market. We will not engage in any collusion, conspiracy, or any other inappropriate practices with regard to pricing.
  • We will abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and customer contracts pertaining to the acquisition of intellectual property.
  • Accepting or offering professional courtesies is only allowed when the value or cost of such entertainment will not potentially cause a conflict of interest.
  • Each and every employee must familiarize themselves with this Code and act accordingly. Each employee is ethically obligated to contact the HR department if they have any concerns about compliance with violations of this code.